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Oxford student life (Part I)

I have to admit we celebrate the end of finals really well such that almost everyone comes out of the exam hall happy regardless of how they feel the exams went. For those who've finished their finals paper, they come out from a different gate to every...

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Pooling system

Applicants will be graded by the two colleges they were interviewed in. These assessment grades are sent to the department and ranked in the order of performance. In fact, because of this, the top performance applicants can be additionally notified aft...

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Oxford Mathematics vs Mathematics & Statistics

In the first year at Oxford, the Mathematics & Statistics course is identical to the Mathematics course. This means that you will have 5 exams at the end of the year. The first will be on algebra, the second on analysis, then probability and statistics...

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Accepted to Oxford University Part II

The second interview's atmosphere was very different, 3 interviewers in a small low ceiling and very dim room. But they all greeted me with a smile:) Now if the first interview was quite straight forward, I think of this as because my second interview ...

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Accepted to Oxford University Part I

I remember waiting for 20 minutes past my scheduled interview time. I guess the previous interview ran late and because of this I was more nervous than I would have been. While waiting, I saw a terrible mistake an Engineering applicant made that I felt...

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Oxbridge admissions tests mean scores

Every year the mean test scores can be different. Therefore these statistics show average scores over several years for some subjects and the average score for a specific year for others. MAT Average score on questions 1-5 are 70 amongst successful ...

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Cambridge Interview Experience- Veterinary Medicine

I was incredibly nervous before my interview as I had almost no previous interview experience. However, to prepare for the interview my dad had asked me lots of questions in a practice interview situation and a lot of the more obvious questions came up...

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Interview Experience at Oxford - Economics & Management

My interview was taken by 2 tutors (in 2 separate interviews) - one in Economics and one in Management. My Economics interview tested my ability with A level Maths concepts such as graph drawing and differentiation, combining this with an introduction ...

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Cambridge - Modern and Medieval Languages

Everyone's interview experience at Cambridge is different, and there is no way of knowing for certain what you may be asked. However, for MML it is almost certain that you will have at least two interviews (one for each language) and sit a short writte...

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