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Oxford Psychology Interview

Q. Can you tip on any 'Must mention' areas in personal statement, e.g. society activity, degree related readings, work experience, academic competitions? A. Its quite general to be honest, a psychology personal statement would usually consist of "Wh...

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Oxford CAT, Written Work and Interview perspective

The admission process involves three steps. After your Personal Statement, you are asked to submit two pieces of written work, which are normally essays written for standard school work, marked by your teacher. More than anything, they are meant to sho...

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MAT tips and advice

The test is formed of 2 parts. The first part is 10 multiple choice questions, each with four possible answers. In these questions, I always found it a good strategy to try to find reasons why a particular option couldn't be the answer, as opposed to p...

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Preparation for Oxbridge Law Interview

Received an invitation for a Law interview? Great! The next step is to do your absolute best preparation to make sure you have the potential to shine. What is recommended then? Firstly, read up very widely and really think hard about all the difficult ...

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Dos and Don'ts on the interview day

For interviews held in your chosen college you will obviously have double checked the room location at least 1 hour beforehand. What else will you have done meanwhile? You are expected to be waiting outside the interview room while the precedent interv...

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Scholarships for Hong Kong students studying in Oxford/Cambridge

Many students from Hong Kong may want to study overseas but are deterred from doing so by the high cost of tuition fees. There are many avenues through which funding is available however. This article attempts to list some of the scholarships, bursarie...

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How to choose Oxbridge colleges

Older colleges definitely have rooms that may need refurnishing. Extreme cases include, not being warm enough in the winter due to not tightly sealed enough windows and the floor not being tilted as a 5th floor room. For modern colleges like St Catheri...

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Oxbridge college scholarships/financial aid

Many colleges in Oxford and Cambridge offer their own scholarships. Each will differ in value of the scholarship, conditions attached, eligibility criteria and selection process. Different colleges also award different numbers of scholarships so it is ...

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Know about the Oxbridge interviews

I can say that general questions 'Why do you want to study at Oxford?' or 'Why do you want to study Chemistry?' are often not asked. Ok there might be some exceptions but I can say that on most cases, there will not be such questions. We go straight in...

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