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Acing the LNAT

Here we'll clarify some of the doubts you might have about the LNAT. Is the LNAT essay even graded? Who marks it and what are they looking for? How long does it take to prepare for the LNAT? I'm applying to Oxford, do I need near full marks for the m...

<p><strong>Q. How Do You Prepare for the LNAT?</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><pre>A. The LNAT is split into two sections. Section A comprises a 42 question multiple choice question (MCQ) component while Section B has an essay component. Students are given up to 750 words for their essay.</pre><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Q. General Deadlines - 2017</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><pre>A. Registration for the LNAT begins: 01 Aug 2016 Oxford deadline for LNAT registration: 05 Oct 2016 Oxford deadline for LNAT test: 20 Oct 2016 Standard deadline for LNAT registration: 15 Jan</pre><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Q. LNAT MCQ</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><pre>A. The MCQ section is meant to test a set of skills, specifically: a) the ability to digest complex information under time pressure b) identifying key sections that correspond to the questions asked and c) questioning key assumptions within a particular argument d) determining whether one point flows logically to the next or if it is a non sequitur</pre><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Q. 1) The Conventional Approach</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><pre>A. Most tuition centres will give you practise questions from Mark Shepherd's LNAT book. This book, for those don't already know, has plenty of practice questions, for both the MCQ and essay components of the LNAT.<p>&nbsp;</p> But relying entirely on this book has its disadvantages.<p>&nbsp;</p>There is usually no supervision or follow up review after completing the MCQ questions. You might know what the answer is, but you're not quite sure why it's that particular answer.</pre><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Q. 2) What We Do at Gurume</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><pre>A. At Gurume, you will get quality practice as opposed to just practising a large quantity of questions.<p>&nbsp;</p> We have the practice questions, so no need to get the LNAT book. On top of that, we'll also go through the answers with you afterwards.<p>&nbsp;</p> If you disagree with the answer, we'll discuss your views. You're not necessarily wrong! Remember, the Oxford interview values candidates who have the ability to see the argument from both sides. Being able to stand your ground is sometimes more important than getting the correct answer. If you're still unconvinced, have a look at the following statistics.<p>&nbsp;</p>We sent an enquiry under the Freedom of Information Act to Oxford to ask them about the average LNAT score for their candidates.<p>&nbsp;</p><image> http://7xljv5.com1.z0.glb.clouddn.com/blog_preparing_for_lnat1.png<p>&nbsp;</p>Here's their reply. The average LNAT MCQ score for an applicant invited for interviews is only about 28/42. What does that mean? It shows that even the sharpest candidates disagree on the best answer to a particular LNAT question. If that were not so, everyone would have a much higher score.<p>&nbsp;</p><image> http://7xljv5.com1.z0.glb.clouddn.com/blog_preparing_for_lnat2.png<p>&nbsp;</p>So there's no need for you to feel insecure about being unable to get the "right answer" as long as you can put forth convincing reasons to support your answer. At Gurume, we aim to prepare you for the LNAT in a way that makes you feel confident going into the Oxford interview.</pre><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Q. LNAT Essay</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><pre>A. LNAT essays are not centrally marked. Instead, they are sent to the respective universities you've applied to. You won't know the score, but your LNAT essays are certainly marked. Again look at the reply that Oxford gave us:<p>&nbsp;</p><image> http://7xljv5.com1.z0.glb.clouddn.com/blog_preparing_for_lnat3.png<p>&nbsp;</p>Now, the LNAT essay can be tricky for certain students. If you're taking Literature or IB English for instance, you might be used to a different essay writing style. But being a lawyer requires a very specific skill set. You need to make concise arguments that drive home your point.</pre><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Q. How We Help at Gurume</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><pre>A. Structure<p>&nbsp;</p>750 words is not a lot. You can't launch into dissertation with complex arguments with that little words. What you can do, is make sure you have a clearly introduction, conclusion and content paragraphs. These will make it clear to your examiner what you are really saying. Do not underestimate the importance of structure. Your examiner has to read through stacks of applications. He can get tired and lose your point if you don't make it easy for him to follow the argument.<p>&nbsp;</p>Content<p>&nbsp;</p>You're often told that the LNAT does not assess you on content. That is true. But what most people forget is this. When you have a solid understanding of a particular subject, you can make far more persuasive arguments. Substance and form are related.<p>&nbsp;</p>We'll give you the key debates across a range of content areas, from terrorism to education.. Through our database of real LNAT essays from past exams, we know what content is relevant and we'll focus on these in our skype sessions.</pre><p>&nbsp;</p>