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2023 剑桥大学菲茨威廉学院(Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge)征文比赛放题了!!!

  • 537 2023-01-13
<figure class="image"><img src="https://oxbridge-blogs.s3.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com/z4Lrn6uLRUOwXhuUeTqN.png"></figure><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>剑桥大学菲茨威廉学院(Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge)2023年征文比赛率先放题!国际生共有6个专业方向可以选择,包括</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>古代史与古典学&nbsp;</strong></p><p>1) Is it right to call Classical literature “timeless”?&nbsp;</p><p>2) Can we write history from poetry?&nbsp;</p><p>3) Are the realities of a) women’s; b) children’s or c) slaves’ lives visible in the evidence we have from the ancient world?&nbsp;</p><p>4) Can we ever get beyond the Spartan ‘mirage’?&nbsp;</p><p>5) What led to the collapse of either a) the Minoan palaces or b) the Mycenaean palaces?&nbsp;</p><p>6) What are Plato’s best arguments against democracy?</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>考古学</strong></p><p>1. To what extent does archaeology provide an alternative perspective to traditional historical narratives? Discuss with reference to at least one region/time period.&nbsp;</p><p>2. What was the more important architectural innovation in human history: the house or the ditch? Discuss with reference to at least one prehistoric example.&nbsp;</p><p>3. Do human societies necessarily have to be hierarchical? Discuss with reference to at least two case studies.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>历史学</strong></p><p>根据给定主题完成一篇不超过2500词的文章</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>土地经济学</strong></p><p>1. Is hydraulic fracturing (also known as fracking) a viable solution to address the UK national shortages in gas supply?&nbsp;</p><p>2. The Conservative government under Liz Truss proposed a macro-economic framework based on ‘trickle-down economics’. Discuss the implications that such a macro-economic policy recipe would have for ‘levelling up’, in light of the high territorial inequality between different parts of the UK.&nbsp;</p><p>3. ‘The UK government should scrap planning regulations to allow for the construction of more houses, infrastructures, and industrial estates.’ Discuss this statement, possibly drawing on examples from your own area of residence.&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>中世纪史</strong></p><p>1. Could medieval people imagine a better world?</p><p>2. “A society without compassion” – is this a fair characterisation of the Medieval World?&nbsp;</p><p>3. Did the Medieval World give birth to the modern world? Discuss with reference to any or all of the following: race, economics or education.&nbsp;</p><p>4. Could women exercise power in the Medieval World?&nbsp;</p><p>5. Which was more important: Mansa Musa or Charlemagne?&nbsp;</p><p>6. Why were so many manuscripts from medieval Europe produced by members of the Christian church?<br>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>建筑学</strong></p><p>想象你要在帮菲茨威廉学院设计一座新建筑,这座建筑将作为教职员工和学生之间互动的枢纽</p><p>他们可以在那里分享和探索想法。</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>要求提供</p><p>作品名称+500词作品描述+满足以下要求的设计作品</p><p>1) floor plan(s) of your building at 1:200 scale&nbsp;</p><p>2) one elevation and one section of the building that best describes main features of the design solution&nbsp;</p><p>3) one site plan that indicates the location of the building in relation to existing buildings in the college site. A detailed site plan showing the Fitzwilliam College Storey’s Way Cambridge CB3 0DG www.fitz.cam.ac.uk Registered Charity No. 1137496 ground floor plans of the individual buildings is available on the essay competition website for reference, but you should produce a new drawing for the competition submission.&nbsp;</p><p>4) one perspective drawing of your building that highlights your design intention and shows the placement of a new building in relation to existing college buildings nearby.<br>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>经济学</strong>(仅限英国公立学校学生参加)</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>截止日期与要求</strong></p><p>截止日期为2023年3月1日 英国时间下午6点</p><p>除建筑学外,其余科目词数不得超过2500词</p><p>每个学生只能选择其中之一参加,并且每所学校不超过五个学生。</p><p>*需要提供学校老师联系方式以供核实学生提交作品。</p><p><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>&nbsp;</p>